For Christmas I got a Yaesu FT-897D plus the LDG AT-897plus and the FP-30 build in power supply for the FT-897D. Pretty happy with the combination. Very compact and very usable. My first setup was out in the backyard with my portable antenna setup, but I added a 10 meter 12 wavelength wire dipole. Worked okay, but by the time I was setup, it was evening. 10m usally sucks in the evenings. It was also really cold that day so I packed it up and figured out how to get an antenna fed into the house. Next day I put up a 10m 12 wave wire dipole on the roof, fed with some tv twin lead into my office window. then the twin lead to a 4:1 balun then coax into the radio. Worked pretty well. First HF contact was PU5AEC in Southern Brazil. There was some kind of contest in Brazil that weekend so I picked up a couple Brazilian contacts.

Also got my PSK31/Data interface working nicely. Have been able to work PSK31 with Canada and USA so far.